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Ruler 1: 500 000 Nav-Aid Rule (VNC)


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NAUTICAL MILES O – 160 (OR 0 – 80): This scale is for use with world Aeronautical charts 1:000,000 (OR 1:500,000) and enables the direct reading of distance in nautical miles.

RADIALS0-45: These radiate from either side of the centre of the baseline, at 5′ intervals to 45″,and are used to determine the alteration to a heading to fly direct to destination from an off course “fix”. It supersedes the 1 in 60 method.

ARCS 80 – 0 – 80 n.m (OR 40 – 0 – 40).: These bisect the RADIALS at intervals and are used to determine the distance flown and distance to fly from an en route “fix”.



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