EMSIS/PFD has already become very popular as a Primary Flight Display (PFD) but it is also a simple to use and affordable engine information system which can be used in conjunction with the larger NESIS or as a standalone instrument. Emsis is available as a standalone instrument or secondary EMS, PFD or Navigation instrument. All Kanardia devices can be connected together and use a Can Bus system.
Emsis, when used as standalone engine monitoring EMS, can show:
- CHTs
- EGTs
- engine RPM
- rotor RPM
- fuel flow
- fuel level (up to two tanks)
- alternator and battery current
- voltage
- oil pressure
- oil temperature
- water (coolant) temperature
- airbox temperature
- manifold pressure
- pneumatic pressure
And when used together with Nesis or PFD instrument, it can show:
- airspeed (IAS and or TAS)
- altitude
- vario
- engine time
Emsis PFD shows:
- attitude (roll, pitch)
- indicated airspeed (IAS)
- altitude
- QNH settings
- vario, (climb and descent)
- heading rate (1 minute and 30 seconds turn – adjustable)
- outside air temperature (OAT)
- track